Hand-embroidered book page. 6 x 7-1/4 inches.
In a free pile in my apartment building I recently came across a book…
Titled ‘The Psychic Side of Sports: Extraordinary Stories from the Spiritual Underground in Sports’ (Michael Murphy, Rhea A. White), it sported a somewhat psychedelic cover and a series of gorgeous, full-page photos beginning each chapter. I fell in love with this one and decided to continue the psychedelic theme with a more involved pattern, the likes of which I am now pursuing further.
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Hand-embroidered collage with promotional lithographs. 10 x 7 inches.
Likely the last from this series of lithographs,
I decided to sew up a few scraps from two other pieces atop the back cover of the folder in which they came. I loved how the circle cut out from the last piece fit so well with the land in another shot, and decided to play with that.
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Hand-embroidered collage with promotional lithographs. 10 x 8 inches.
This set of promo lithographs has proved to be continually engaging.
A few weeks ago, after a dry-spell, I sat down to look through them once more, when inspiration hit again, leading to an afternoon-long sewing-fest resulting in this piece. It has been a long time since I cranked out something that felt so right, so complete, in such a short span of time.
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