Tender Validations Covers, 2012

Disorder(s). Hand-embroidered inkjet print, 4-3/4 x 4-3/4 inches.
Hand-made cover art for hand-picked tunes.
Over the last few years, I have contributed music mixes to Tender Validations Mix of the Month Club. Every few months, an assignment is given based on a theme. Once you’ve made a mix and created some art for it, you send it in with a couple bucks. In return, you’re shipped someone else’s creation as well as a second mix made by the project’s caretakers, an always-excellent selection of tunes culled from all the other mixes. It’s a very satisfying project from start to finish.
This year I embroidered a few of the covers. For Disorder(s), a series of rock songs about mental disorders, I used the light/dark motif I’m so fond of to give weight to the constant dualistic struggle of the mind. For SPACE (listen), I used a few of the remaining pages from the NASA Hasselblad catalog I used for my Many Moons project with some sparse text elements.
If you’re into making music mixes, I highly recommend taking part in an upcoming TVMotMC assignment!

SPACE. Hand-embroidered paper collage, 4-3/4 x 4-3/4 inches.